I'm Dee, the library lady. I work at the College of the Holy Cross in Dinand library. I'm not actually a librarian, which is why when people call me such I let them know I'm just a lady that works in the library, and that's where I got Library LaDEE from. (Hey, it's not exactly rocket science) I am the Interlibrary Loan coordinator for borrowing books, as opposed to lending. I'm sure none of that is really important to you so I won't bother explaining. One last thing you might want to know about me is that I try to make light of everything, I try to be funny and sometimes I try to hard. Once you can read past all that, though, I hope you find my blogs interesting and MAYBE even informative!
I have been planning since last year around this time to start a blog for Dinand Library, but I never really knew where to start. Which is probably why this blog is starting off so slowly.
Why did I decide to start this blog today? Good question! I got an email from Beth Gallaway about the MLA blog and I was completely inspired. I have registered to attend the MLA annual conference in May and I plan to write about it anyway, so why not write about it here?
If you haven't signed up for this yet, let me be the first to recommend it. You can go to Masslib.org for all the information. I was a little intimidated at first. I don't have an MLS yet, so I didn't think this would be for me. Then I read into it a bit and realized there are a lot of things that I am interested in that they'll be talking about. There is a whole bunch of paralibrarian stuff (not exactly the technical term for it, but it works). There's even a section on blogging. So, stay tuned and I'll have much more information about that.
I'm going to try to remember to end each entry with a quote:
But what can a man see of a library being one day in it?- James Boswell
1 comment:
I finally had a chance to take a look at your blog--very nice--you combine a sort of casual style with useful information. I've bookmarked the site--and will come back again.
I liked the way you "introduced" SecondLife and profided useful information. BTW, the women who talked about it at the CMRLS Annual gathering was Prof. Candy Schwartz from Simmons College. She is always at the forefront of "useful" technology.
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